Okay. I'm noticing a trend here. I was so naive when I thought..."It's simple! Just eat better!." Meals are not so much a problem as snacking is. I definitely have to keep a food journal. I'm so used to just grabbing a handful of this and a few of that every time I walk by the kitchen, which is seriously about 100 times a day. I'm taking on WAY too many empty, unconscious calories. So, I'm keeping a food journal and everything, I mean EVERYTHING, that passes my lips gets jotted down, even if it's a nibble. That way I can actually see on paper what it is I'm eating. Alright. Now that that's out of the way.
I didn't do any Yoga yesterday,which is a bummer. I was at a dead run all day and my wimpy back is still wining. I went to a patient's home yesterday to bathe her and do her nails, and for the whole 2 and a half hours, I was leaning over. Leaning over her bed, her wheel chair, her sink...yada yada. I'm such a wuss. I had no idea how weak my back has gotten over the past couple of years void of surfing. The difference is really amazing, and depressing, to me. I knew I was in trouble when my muscles started quivering 20 minutes in, but I adore my job and my patients. So, it's worth it. When I got home, I laid out in the sun and watched my husband fuss with a brick wall he's building around a tree in the front yard. He's quite a perfectionist; so, it's entertaining to watch him bustle around fixing problems I can't even see. After getting in a warm, sunny nap, I helped him: carting bricks, mixing concrete and mortar, hoeing and planting...more bending over. lol
I should have done Yoga last night. It would have seriously helped me not be so sore and tight today, and I'd probably be in a better mood :). I did find a daily Yoga routine geared towards runners and the muscles we use. However, I still haven't found one to implement my X-training. I'll keep looking. I'm also trying to find a good mixture of Ashtanga and a softer style that applies techniques of power yoga and soft yoga. I've posted some more info in the links about weightloss and the Runner's Yoga routine I do daily. Catch ya later! Happy running!
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